Q&A with a Senior Ecologist

Monday 29th July

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Q&A with a Senior Ecologist
We met with Alice Salisbury, who has celebrated five years working for Maydencroft as a Senior Ecologist.

What does a Senior Ecologist do?
At Maydencroft, a Senior Ecologist is expected to plan surveys, write ecological reports, manage the ecology team, and undertake protected species surveys and habitat surveys.

What is your daily job like?
The job changes constantly and depends on the time of year. Now that the survey season is drawing to a close, I am mostly desk-bound, writing reports and analysing data from the season. However, in the spring/summer, I will undertake surveys alongside the rest of the Ecology team. My job involves a lot more organisation and client liaison than it ever used to!

What are the best and worst things about the job?
The best bit about the job is getting to see beautiful wildlife & be out and about in gorgeous places. Great crested newt surveys are a firm favourite!

The worst bit is probably the late nights and trying to organise such a busy team, but saying that, I wouldn’t change my job for anything.

How can someone get into ecology?
A degree in conservation/ecology and then applying for internships/field ecologist roles at consultancies. In my experience, multi-disciplinary firms are the best as you see "ecology" through many different lenses!

If you would like to find out more about ecologist opportunities, contact us on our careers page:

