For Affinity Water
Ecological and Protected Species Surveys on HS2 land
On land affected by the construction of HS2, we helped highlight the potential affects on ecology and habitats, and influenced the design of the project.
Assessing the impact
We carried out a range of ecological surveys, across five of our water utility client’s operational sites in Buckinghamshire. With the construction of the new HS2 railway on the land, our brief was to increase water treatment capacity, and mitigate its indirect impacts on the water supply.
At each site, we carried out a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal. Based on the results of these, we then undertook species-specific surveys, investigating the presence of bats, water voles, otters, great crested newts and botanical species.
No net loss of biodiversity
The results from these surveys were compiled into an Ecological Impact Assessment, to evaluate the relative importance of the land to protected species. We also delivered a detailed mitigation strategy, to ensure operations resulted in no net loss of biodiversity.
Our mitigation strategies had a significant influence on the design of the HS2 project, throughout the construction and operational phase.