For Messenger Construction
Protected species survey and monitoring for a future development
In advance of potential development in the area, we worked closely with the Wildlife Trust and Natural England to create an ecological management plan, and help protect habitats and species.
An ecological appraisal
Gadsby Field in Collyweston is home to several protected species – and we were asked to carry out surveys to prepare for development in the future. The results of these would inform the production of an ecological impact assessment and an ecological management plan.
To ensure the development complied with all European and national legislation, we worked hand-in-hand with the Wildlife Trust and Natural England, and designed appropriate mitigation plans to protect habitats and species.
Bats, badgers and lizards
Our preliminary ecological appraisal highlighted an important hibernation roost for bats in an old mine shaft, an active badger sett and a potential reptile habitat. A Construction Exclusion Zone was established around the badger sett, and an ecological watching brief was created, with specifications for reptile fence installation and vegetation management.