Cora Pfarre


Head Forester


MSc Forest Sciences

BSc Forest Sciences

Chartered Member of the Institute for Chartered Foresters

Lantra Professional Tree Inspection

DSC1 Deer Stalking Qualification

IOSHH Managing Safety

Practical Qualifications: CS30, CS31, PA1, PA6

LANTRA Arboriculture and Bats

Scoping Surveys for Arborists


Woodland Management Plans

Felling Licence Applications

Woodland Creation Designs

Grant application and implementation such as Countryside Stewardship (CS), Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI), England Land Management Scheme (ELMS), Tree Health Grants

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)

Wildlife Ecology and Impact Assessments

Ancient Woodland Assessments

Veteran Tree Management

Supervision and organising of harvesting operations and timber sales

Carbon Sequestration and Woodland Carbon Code

Contract Management


Member of the Conservation Committee at Wiltshire Wildlife Trust

Professional and Education Standards Committee for the Institute of Chartered Foresters
