Ips typographus

Monday 19th June

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With summer and higher temperatures coming, larger eight-toothed European spruce bark beetles (Ips typographus) start flying and reproducing again, putting spruce stands at risk. First observed in Kent in 2018, this insect is a Quarantine Pest in the UK, and strict measures have been taken to mitigate the risks of Ips typographus settling and spreading in the country, where it could cause devastating impacts on the woodlands, landscapes and the timber industry.

To know more about Ips typographus, the measures taken by the Forestry Commission to fight this pest, the existing grants and how Maydencroft Limited can support you with managing spruce and bark beetle infestations under the current regulations, please read the attached document, and contact our experienced forestry team at forestry@maydencroft.co.uk.

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