Invasive weed ecologist named Student of the Year

Monday 4th October

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John Salisbury has been presented with a Student of the Year award after gaining top marks while studying to become a Certificated Surveyor of Japanese Knotweed (CSJK) with the Property Care Association (PCA).

The qualification means John can add invasive weed control solutions to his role which currently involves providing protected species surveys, writing ecological reports and creating habitat management plans at Maydencroft.

Tom Williams is Managing Director at Maydencroft. He said: “We're very pleased for John, it is a fantastic achievement.

“To be recognised for his hard work in this way is wonderful and we’re proud to have him in the team.”

John is one of 130 people working at Maydencroft, which operates across England, offering sustainable environmental solutions for private, public, charity, commercial and utility projects.

John said: “I am very pleased to have won this award after a lot of hard work. Since joining Maydencroft in 2017 I have been learning about Japanese knotweed management from our Senior Environmental Consultant, and since gaining this qualification I have been able to take on more responsibilities.”

Every autumn the PCA presents ‘Student of the Year’ awards to individuals who undertake training with the Association, based on their results.

Steve Hodgson, Chief Executive of the PCA, said: “Expanding the talent and skills within our industry is hugely important to the economy, to the construction of vital infrastructure and to home-owners across the UK.

“I’d like to personally congratulate John at Maydencroft for the hard work and dedication that is recognised with this award.”
