Cadeby Habitat Bank
Cadeby Habitat Bank
Cadeby Habitat Bank
Maydencroft Limited was commissioned to review and update an existing BNG Baseline Assessment report and metric for a 65ha former minerals site located in south-west Leicestershire, in the interest of creating a Habitat Bank. Further to the initial study, we were then commissioned to build-upon initial findings to create a Landscape Masterplan and Habitat Management & Monitoring Plan (HMMP).
A walkover BNG Baseline Assessment was undertaken by our Ecologists to review all habitats present, including arable parcels, grasslands, woodlands, hedgerows, and extensive reedbeds occupying former silt settling lagoons. Results from the assessment were input into an updated version of BNG Metric 4.0, and used to model potential habitat enhancement and creation options. These focussed on the creation of grassland habitats and woodlands, with parcels of Mixed Scrub and Rural Tree planting to improve habitat structure and diversity.
The design phase commenced with production of a Landscape Masterplan to set out the arrangement of habitat options, and to detail the various infrastructure works that would be required. This then fed into the production of a 30-Yr HMMP setting out work specifications for all habitat enhancement and creation, with Action Plan tables detailing ongoing maintenance requirements. The plan also included a strategy for monitoring, with information on remedial actions to take in the event of habitat targets not being achieved.