Panshanger Park
Panshanger Park Development
Maydencroft Limited was commissioned to carry out a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Baseline Assessment & Strategy in support of a proposed development to construct a new visitor car park in Panshanger Park, Hertfordshire. This work was in addition to the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, BS5837 Arboricultural Survey, Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA), and Landscape Designs which were also produced by Maydencroft as part of the planning submission. The BNG assessment aimed to demonstrate whether a 10% net gain in biodiversity could be achieved on site, or whether there would be a need for off-site provision.
A BNG Baseline Survey undertaken by our Ecologists found that the proposed car park area consisted of open mosaic brownfield habitat adjacent to an old haulage route used for quarrying activities. Metric results showed that it would not be possible to achieve 10% within the project red line boundary, so an additional off-set area within Panshanger Park was identified, and included as part of the baseline. Opportunities for biodiversity enhancement were explored, using local plans and soil analysis to determine the habitats best suited to the historic parkland setting and surrounding landscape.
Once a decision had been reached on a suitable off-site provision, a Habitat Management & Maintenace Plan (HMMP) was produced to set out all habitat creation and enhancement works within a detailed Capital Works Programme, and all required establishment and ongoing management operations in a 30-Year Annual Maintenance Schedule. The final HMMP was then submitted to the local planning authority in order to discharge the relevant planning condition and enable the project to proceed.