For a private client
Coppermills WTW Development
Maydencroft Limited was commissioned by a utilities company to produce a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Baseline Assessment & Strategy for a water treatment works site in north east London. The purpose of the survey was to identify areas suitable for on-site unit generation to offset a proposed solar PV installation requiring loss of 1.4ha of modified grassland. The works would have to offset this loss as well as deliver an additional 10% gain of habitat units compared to the original baseline.
A BNG Baseline Survey carried out by our Ecologists found that the site was already heavily developed with only a few patches of modified grassland available that could potentially deliver required habitat creation and/or enhancement. BNG metric 3.1 was used to model potential options, and to show that enhancing four areas to Other Neutral Grassland would generate a 13% increase in habitat units. Recommendations were given for establishment of the required habitat and for longer term management methods, all of which enabled the solar development to proceed as planned.