For a private client
Long Buckby Habitat Bank
Maydencroft Limited was commissioned to carry out a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Baseline Assessment & Strategy for 22ha of farmland close to the village of Long Buckby in Northamptonshire, with the aim of determining potential for the creation of a Habitat Bank. The site consists of two arable parcels surrounded by hedgerows and ditches, within a landscape characterised by rolling hills and river corridors. The farmland sits within West Northamptonshire Council and National Character Area (NCA) 95: Northamptonshire Uplands.
A BNG Baseline Survey carried out by our Ecologists recorded the existing cropland, and assessed the condition of surrounding hedgerows and tree lines. The overall unit value of the site was found to be relatively low, suggesting a good opportunity for improving biodiversity and generating units. Our Strategy Report proposed a series of potential scenarios developed through Metric 3.1, including the creation of Lowland Meadow and/or Other Neutral Grassland habitats, the creation of Mixed Scrub, and the enhancement of hedgerow condition. The next stage of this project will be to work with the landowner and other key stakeholders to design a scheme that maximises nature recovery and landscape restoration whilst meeting their aspirations for the land, and to the proceed with production of a Habitat Management & Monitoring Plan (HMMP).