For a private client
Barton-le-Clay Habitat Bank
Maydencroft Limited was commissioned to carry out a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Baseline Assessment & Strategy for 70ha of farmland located near Barton-le-Clay in Central Bedfordshire, with the aim of determining potential for creation of a Habitat Bank. The farm is situated just north of the Chilterns National Landscape which is well known for its rare chalk grassland, beech hangers and ancient woodland, and on the border of two National Character Areas (NCAs); 110 The Chilterns and 88 Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Claylands.
A BNG Baseline Survey carried out by our Ecologists showed that the site largely consists of expansive arable fields with smaller areas of arable field margins, modified grassland, mixed scrub and woodland, surrounded by a fairly limited network of tree lines, hedgerows and ditches. Calculations using Biodiversity Metric 4.0 showed that the site has a relatively low baseline with significant potential for unit generation through habitat creation and enhancement. The next stage of this project will be to work with the landowner and other key stakeholders to design a scheme that maximises nature recovery and landscape restoration whilst meeting their aspirations for the land.