For a private client
Masketts Farm Habitat Bank
Maydencroft Limited was commissioned to produce a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Baseline Assessment & Strategy for a 32ha former dairy farm near the village of Nutley in East Sussex, with the aim of determining potential for creation of a Habitat Bank. The farm is located within the High Weald National Landscape and National Character Area (NCA) 122: High Weald, and lies adjacent to Ashdown Forest SSSI SAC SPA, one of the largest areas of lowland heath and semi-natural woodland in southern England. It comprises a series of pasture fields formerly used for grazing a dairy herd, surrounded by mature hedgerows and veteran hedgerow trees, and bordered to the south by extensive ancient woodlands.
A BNG Baseline Survey carried out by our Ecologists identified modified grassland as the most widespread habitat type with smaller areas of neutral grassland, and an extensive network of mature hedgerows, many supporting trees. Grassland habitats were generally found to be in poor condition due to their previous management. As a result, calculations using DEFRA’s Statutory BNG Metric showed a relatively low overall baseline score, with very good potential for habitat enhancement and creation options to improve site biodiversity and generate units.
Further to discussions with the landowner, a Landscape Masterplan was produced to show the potential arrangement of habitats and associated infrastructure, such as deer fencing and gates to protect establishing areas of Mixed Scrub, and stages of nutrient management to support enhancement of grasslands. Alongside the masterplan, a 30-Yr Habitat Management & Monitoring Plan (HMMP) was produced setting out capital works, ongoing maintenance, and monitoring requirements in a series of Action Plans. A supporting BNG Budget Calculator was put together to model all predicted costs for the project and indicate the unit sale price required to comfortably meet all targets and generate a profit.