For a private client
Dingley Park Habitat Bank
Maydencroft Limited was commissioned to produce a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Baseline Assessment and Habitat Management & Monitoring Plan (HMMP) for 56ha of historic parkland near Market Harborough, Northamptonshire, with the aim of establishing the site as a Habitat Bank. Dingley Park dates back to medieval times, with the parkland retaining much of its original character including sheep-grazed ridge & furrow grasslands, with numerous scattered trees and copses, ponds, orchard. hedgerows, and remnant veteran trees. The site is located within North Northamptonshire Council and National Character Area (NCA) 89: Northamptonshire Vales.
A BNG Baseline Survey carried out by our Ecologists identified very-high distinctiveness Wood Pasture & Parkland habitat across much of the site, with scattered veteran trees, remnant historic features, and numerous more recent tree plantations. The habitat was assessed to be in poor condition, primarily due to overgrazing by sheep leading to an even, homogenous sward with an absence of structural diversity. Although the baseline was found to be high, metric calculations revealed potential for generating circa 100 habitat units by enhancing the condition of the very high-distinctiveness Wood Pasture & Parkland, primarily through changes in management approach, and therefore a fantastic opportunity for improving site biodiversity.
Further to consultation with the client, our Nature Recovery Consultants produced a Habitat Management & Monitoring Plan (HMMP) for Dingley Park detailing the various capital stages needed to implement habitat enhancement and creation options. The main focus for this was an immediate end to intensive sheep grazing, and two years of recovery to encourage vegetation growth. At this stage, extensive conservation grazing will commence with a small herd of hardy cattle, and parcels of Mixed Scrub planted alongside additional parkland trees, with natural colonisation encourage from surrounding hedgerows. All of these proposals were further illustrated on a Landscape Masterplan.