For a private client
Tree safety inspection
We were commissioned by a private client to undertake a Tree Safety Inspection of all trees within the High-Risk Zones of a private events venue.
Maydencroft Limited was commissioned by a private client to undertake a Tree Safety Inspection of all trees within the High-Risk Zones of Walkern Hall Estate.
Walkern Hall is a Georgian manor house surrounded by formal gardens and extensive parkland. The estate is used for various events such as weddings and festivals, and therefore the owner has a duty of care to ensure they are taking reasonable precaution to prevent any harm that may be potentially caused by the failure of trees on their land. Our Consultants established High-Risk Zones with the assistance of the client and all trees within these areas were thoroughly inspected for significant defects.
Clear mapping of trees requiring remedial works
Tree data combined with accurate GPS location was entered into a bespoke tree management software onsite. Trees requiring remedial works were allocated a works priority timeframe, which assists the land owner in delivering works according to their work priority. Our Consultants used this data to form a comprehensive tree survey schedule and creation of digital maps. This provided our client with a clear image showing the exact location of trees, colour coded depicting their work priority timeframe.