For Henley Town Council

Tree safety inspection

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Maydencroft were contracted by Henley-on-Thames Town Council to carry out an extensive tree health and safety survey of all trees within their ownership.

This was the first time all of the trees owned by Henley-on-Thames Town Council were collectively surveyed. The survey included parks and public areas with high amenity such as the riverside meadows and a stunning 1 mile section of road cutting through the hills down into Henley-On-Thames lined by an avenue of nearly 400 semi-mature Lime and Oak trees.

Cloud based tree management software

Tree management software enabled our surveyors to accurately record location using GPS. Tree data and tree condition was entered into the software onsite, with trees requiring remedial works allocated a works priority timeframe in which works are to be carried out.

Data can be accessible within seconds, available online for the park managers to review, facilitating a rapid proactive and reactive management response which is especially important when trees present a hazard. Our surveyors identified a number of high-risk trees located in areas of high pedestrian and vehicular use. These were allocated an imminent works priority and the park manager notified immediately. Importantly our surveys reinforce the justification for retaining healthy and safe trees, for their cultural, amenity and environmental benefits.
