For a commercial client
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for an artist's studio in Dartford
A retrospective Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) was produced to identify the visibility of a recently constructed artist’s studio to the south of Bob Dunn Way in Dartford.
The site is located in an area of flat, floodplain pasture of the River Darent and River Cray, within the tidal estuary of the River Thames. Baseline data searches identified a network of Public Rights of Way and numerous non-statutory wildlife sites and priority habitats associated with the marshes. An analysis of the local topography enabled the creation of a Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV) map which helped to identify potential near, middle and distant viewpoints.
Landscape Consultants then conducted a site visit to assess the site and surrounding area, looking in detail at current landscape character and the impact of development. What became evident through the visit was the strong peri-urban and industrial influences on the landscape, in particular the adjacent A206 dual-carriageway and numerous large warehouses. A series of panoramic photographs were taken using a digital camera from pre-determined viewpoints on PROWs and highways to demonstrate the impact on views.
The LVIA report concluded that the development was suitable to the site and location, but with a requirement for landscape mitigation designed to provide some visual screening and general enhancement.