For Affinity Water
Improving the biodiversity of land around a pumping station
In an area of previously unmanaged woodland and scrub, we transformed the biodiversity of a number of key habitats.
A collaboration of experts
Affinity Water asked us to plan and deliver an Ecological Enhancement Strategy, to improve the biodiversity of Skeete Pumping Station in Kent. So our senior landscape consultant, senior ecologist and environmental consultant produced a habitat management plan, plus a suite of method statements to be used during operations.
New diverse flora and species
As a result, the secondary woodland habitat on site was significantly improved through the rotational coppicing of young native trees, encouraging diverse ground flora and invertebrate communities. As part of a targeted management approach, we planted young coppiced hazel to encourage the local populations of hazel dormouse to disperse. The area of scrub was cleared, and a wildlife pond was created with a diverse buffer of emergent vegetation maintained by periodic management.
A Maydencroft ecologist was present on site at all times, to ensure all work was carried out in an environmentally sensitive manner.